Friday, March 29, 2013

First Path to peace in America is to define who and what is America

To define this will not be all that simple as it sound for the present positions of things is no different from when the colonial power where still the government of then holding the people to hardship. high rate of taxation restrictions of the working class progress.blocking and obstructing law abiding citizens innovations,inventions ideas of to be creative productive helpful to themselves their family their country reside to be respected and be treated with dignity freely to move freely to worships in any method acceptable to their faith,have free access to public places schools jobs education quality healt care relationship transportation courts and be protected by legal law enforcements from criminals law breakers abusers bad persons who came to life just for the main purpose of causing havoc fear initimidation, It seems no body is willing to confronts the problems facing the people.which if some are open to talk about it there will be positive workable ideas solutions and remedies to fixed this problem spiritually scitifically mentally socially constructive promptly and direct.but before going to deep into this write up it will be more right to understand that this nation was founded on the principles of that the people of america  matters more will always matters  than any, continents religion creed race gender talents education wealths popularity smartness marital status body weight and height manners of talk walk looks smiles,we can as paused for a second to check how far the people the governents the schools have come and be direct to the fair acts steps to take that will take stocks of the people inner joy hope for a better governments making other people to trust on each to work on matters that is affecting all america without resorting to guns curse doubts wishing other america complete failure because of skin color hair looks view place of birth manners of talking social status,  handing down doctrines that tolerate retaliation, fear, hate,with much power enough to destroy fellow america citizens  survival liberty freedom health living life to control  and oppress others,but one thing for sure there is not one single america if they are really truthfully will answers if asked if america is able to cater for all its citizens equaly providing them with all tools infromations materials protections to enable them to be a happy person, have a life in God own country some try to pretend like everything is okay or some will try to act like all this malpractices incompetence misinformation misleading distraction false obstructing progress hope prosperity true religion education businesses workplace legal investors developers creators banks newscasting advertising will sort itself but all this will end and good life will come for all americns but this not correct for there is still time left for things to improve and get to the best stage ever dreamt of the foudning fathers and the generation to come.if not set back what will any one call a system whereby graduates from all schools be it elites or otherwise are left to turn into frauds,deceptions cheating dishonesty for them to be able to pay off students loans provide for their familly pursure their dreams projects or purchased home,even if the buildings are made of gold diamond likewise cars planes foot wears clothing watches computers phones and the people that uses this things produce them are still left to acts like they are out to kill one another to survive or to progress the solutions of how to solve and find cures of all aliments suffering poverty war death,senseless gun killing,acting like everything is okay wont stop the task needed to set a path for all people to come out and face this problems destroying the good things coming ahead and bring all ideas to find reforms and make life better for the america people they deserve more that what are now getting from the governments the educators politicians judiciary law enforcements agents charities.may peace and happiness be the portions of all thing for sure is not color not religion not tribe wealth ideology that rule this country but is God and the constitutions and when it seem people are putting aside God and the constitution then the red buttons need to be push so as to remind everyone that law and order work for law abiding nations. and no one one or group of persons are or should be above the law of the land and that God nature science.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Better government better people better life.

The role of a good government in this time of new tommorow is to focus firstly,on its people mental stability,physical well groomed and spiritually sound mind on a true balanced chosen mode of worship,secondly the right time,theme must be understood used and explained in a respectful responsilbe method without intending to mislead the people and a legal moral definination of what constitutes crime, war, evil,segregation, oppression hate crime cyber crime piracy,forgery motgage refiance modification earned intrest of payments rewards for job well done well manners,correcting old debts past the limits legal years of debts,thirdly the people safety as it relate to reckless killing by law enforecments and criminals insane and suicidal persons,all this must be revisited to see if there is need to reform improve,fixed and monitor how services.are render out,the new tomorrow will not have rooms for nations that turn against own people,instead of providing civility, develpoed education,jobs,formula, well tested and trusted persons capable handle duties and to hold public elected or nominated position without destroying the law abiding people portion,understanding what seperation of power,duty, good causes means, why is not the america to wait for things to crumble before fixing them it is a must that congress must work with the president states and local officials to set things into places and be ready to serve as swore, and be ready to face a more new developed life,because it is important, for in the good new life.there is more solutions answers of how to tackle many daily operational good things.

Bringing Congress to the people

The first step toward reaching the last goal for America,the people and it"s prosperity in the next seven years is to bring congress to the people, the traditions of giving the people to the congress is like the slogan that was twisted to become, people for the government,instead of government for the will be meaningless if the people are not informed about the havoc render to the nations due to politics of hatered,distrust,fear of the unknow return of wide spread racism based on every issues connected to life,God religion.race,sex gender.buisness charities,sports education banking housing marriage friendship,pensions retirements,dating,security,safety creativity,loans grants funding for research, .though some are trying to create a better nation and a suffering less society people, some still pretend to act like they alone have the solutions, answers to the man made problems nature aasults backed by hopeless on other people openess to promote tasks that will help make life better,nature assults,but it is very important to create awareness among the America people that now is the time for them to hold on to their love for the country the laws of the land, their dreams, hopes, faith, aspirations and respect for fellow men,if there is a common understanding that men all are created equal there must be an understanding that all men do not act reason in a equal time not until this awarness is inserted into any logic that will herald any tasks there will be no head way to a better nation congress people government,business, it is sad slowly that the one major problem of terrorisms has grown to a problem of nazi movements.anti semitism.anti christinity anti blacks,anti goodness, sickness weather obstruction poverty,broken homes marriage,unsafe schools,work place,home hospital banks entertaiments places i will state here the purpose of this post is not point fingers faults finding but to call on the president Congress.supreme courts all branches of governments,to put aside party creeds and put the people the laws of the land the law of nature God and do the things to bring out the best of the people to rewards their hard work citizenships,goals in a peaceful workable country,where guns will never be the solutions to settle misunderstanding abused,exploitation oppression anger but where laws faith respect.tolerance will be the right steps.for how to go about the right paths to happiness peace and good living in the next seven years please feel free to submit your opinions questions fear doubts the solutions are ready.and as for the out come for not doing anything to prevent,to stop wars fears sickness suffering hate reckless killing eeryone knows may God bless the people and the united states of america.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Moving forward

Happy new year and a more peaceful prosperous safe years ahead,moving forwrd was the main theme i chosen as to jump start the final solutions to all problems to all people of truth peace love perfect development victory happiness long life equality as a result of many events coming from violance, election,budget cliff,terrorist activities of all this the main focus here will be on how to reduced innocent senseless killings domestic vilance white collar fraud space exploration happy family responsible friendship,healthful eating and living affordable housing safe driving banking and savings eliminating wastful spending racial hate cospiracy and cover up, politics, religion buiness charity research technology cures,documentry tourism air travel freedom loans jobs marriage entertainment sports media as a tools to promote color segregation anti semitism crime educators involvement in criminal race unfair method including cover up abet, this is not an attempt to prove nor tag anyone as being the wrong one, evil bad wicked theif hypocrites racists extremists mentally challenged,illegal drug traffickers, barons,fraudsters obstructionist,rapists child molester, tax cheats,anti America,perverts fear mongers war mongers.but a reasonable workable chance for people that want true peace freedom liberty better society,honest living happy family untested happiness safe work place peace of mind wealth long life.true love the answers and touchable supreme creator and simple understanding of law.birth understanding the better solution to oercome death suffering poverty doubts pains this topic will continue to render the little ways, needed to enalbe the human mind moving toward peace and for it to regin.moving forward.